January Question

“Why don’t you have more signings on the East Coast?” That’s a question I’m asked often, and the answer is:

First, it’s very expensive for a publisher to send authors from the west to the east coast, and, second, for some reason, most bookstores and chains in large eastern cities aren’t terribly interested in having signings unless they can sell hundreds, if not thousands of copies. HOWEVER, Tor has arranged a signing at Singularity & Co in Brooklyn next week [January 10th at 7:00 P.M.], because I’ll be accompanying my wife to a National Opera Association convention. But that’s the only appearance, and the details are in the news section of the website.

2 thoughts on “January Question”

  1. Phil Dent says:

    Just a quick note to thank you for you work. Your recent novel – Rex Regis – has thrilled me, and has made me even more eager for your next works. May I selfishly ask you to keep them coming? I do so enjoy your books.

    1. Thank you. There are definitely more books coming, beginning with Cyador’s Heirs in May.

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