Bestselling fantasy author L.E. Modesitt, Jr. revisits the science fiction genre for his new novel, ARCHFORM: BEAUTY, which has already garnered much critical acclaim.
Taking place four centuries in the future, ARCHFORM: BEAUTY is set in a society where no one wants for anything. Technological advances have been made across all fields, making it easy to supply people with anything they could ever need or want. But in a world where so much is so easy, is there anything left for people to care about and work towards? Modesitt asks and answers such difficult questions throughout ARCHFORM: BEAUTY through the voices of five very distinct characters: A singing teacher suffers for her music and fights bureaucracy and apathy. A news researcher delivers the essential background details but can’t help looking deeper and wondering about the real story behind the grim incidents that make the headlines. A police investigator, assigned to study trends, begins to see a truly sinister pattern behind a series of seemingly unrelated crimes and deaths. A politician aids his constituents, fights the good fight, and tries to get reelected without compromising his principles. A ruthless businessman strives to make his family powerful, wealthy, and independent.
Through the overlapping narratives of these five characters, Modesitt weaves a believable new world in ARCHFORM: BEAUTY, in a story full of triumph and the timeless truths of the human experience.
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L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
A Tor Mass Market Paperback
0-765-34364-9 / $6.99
May 2003