Novels by L.E. Modesitt, Jr.

The Grand Illusion

Isolate coverCouncilor coverContrarian cover

The Imager Portfolio

ImagerImagerRex RegisMadness in SolidarAssassins Price cover

The Corean Chronicles Series

LegaciesDarknessesSceptersAlector's ChoiceCadmian's ChoiceSoarer's ChoiceLord-Protector's DaughterLady-Protector

The Ecolitan Matter Series

The Ecolitan OperationThe Ecologic SecessionThe Ecologic EnvoyThe Ecolitan Enigma Ecolitan PrimeEmpire and Ecolitan

The Forever Hero Series

Dawn for a Distant EarthThe Silent WarriorIn Endless TwilightForever Hero

The Ghost Books Series

Of Tangible GhostsThe Ghost of the RevelatorGhost of the White NightsGhosts of Columbia

The Saga of Recluce Series

The Magic of RecluceThe Towers of the Sunset The Magic EngineerThe Order War The Death of ChaosFall of AngelsThe Chaos Balance The White Order Colors of ChaosMagi'i of CyadorScion of CyadorWellspring of Chaos OrdermasterOrdermasterThe White Order Cyador's HeirsHeritage of Cyador coverThe Mongrel Mage coverThe Mage-Fire War coverFairhaven Rising coverFrom the Forest coverOvercaptain coverSub-Majer's Challenge cover image

The Spellsong Cycle Series

The Soprano SorceressThe Spellsong War Darksong RisingShadow Sorceress Shadowsinger

Timegods’ World Series

The TimegodTimediver's DawnTimegods' World

Science Fiction and Other Novels

The Green ProgressionThe Hammer of DarknessThe Parafaith WarAdiamanteGravity DreamsThe Octagonal RavenArchform: BeautyThe Ethos EffectFlashThe Eternity ArtifactThe Elysium CommissionViewpoints CriticalThe One-Eyed Man: A Fugue, With Winds and AccompanimentSolar ExpressQuantum Shadows cover