January Question

Stylistically, are there things you did that you’ve changed over time? Or things you wished you could change?

All writers change over time, sometimes in significant ways, sometimes in very small ways. There are stylistic “innovations” that I tried and largely abandoned. In the early Recluce books, I included more “sound effects.” Readers HATED them. So I seldom use that technique any more. I also used “majer” as an alternative spelling of the rank “major,” but a number of readers simply thought it was an error or a typo. For consistency’s sake, I still use that spelling in the Recluce books, but if I had it to do over, I probably wouldn’t do it. Thanks to readers and friends, I now write more knowledgeably [or less ignorantly] about horses, and, of course, my knowledge of music has continued to increase, thanks to my wife, the music professor.

12 thoughts on “January Question”

  1. Ryan Jackson says:

    So I understand fully if you don’t answer but I feel compelled to ask.

    In this current trilogy about Beltur the “Mongrel Mage” are we seeing the founding of Fairhaven?

    1. I prefer not to do spoilers; any answer would represent a spoiler of some sort.

  2. Alain says:

    Same thought has crossed my mind several times but decided to wait for a reveal.


  3. Arjen Ronhaar says:

    Dear Sir,
    Is it possible to list the separate books on your website in reading order?
    Over here in Holland we don’t have access to this information at our bookshops!

    Arjen Ronhaar

    1. The Recluce books are listed in the website in their order of publication, which is one way of reading them. I’ve sent you a chronological listing.

  4. Lena Frykholm says:

    I really like all your books, especially your SF books. When are you going to write another one ?Lena

    1. I can’t say for certain, since I’m working hard to finish the sequel to Outcasts of Order. Once I do, then I’ll consider what to write next.

  5. Eric Lewis says:

    I am one reader that saw the different spelling as just a different spelling. British English and American English spell many things differently. So, majer or major? Does not matter to this reader. Loved the series from the first chapter in the first book. Think Cyador’s Heir will be my next book when I am finished what I am currently reading.

  6. Harry says:

    I’ve enjoyed reading all the stories you’ve written, although the “tense” you use does throw me off a bit, but I’ve gotten used to it. In one of your books, you listed a chronological list of your books, which makes it more fun to read. I’ve re-read your stories several times but I try to read them in the sequence which makes sense so I can understand the history you are presenting. Please post on your website the chronological listing of the Recluce series so we can follow it in time order. Thanks!

  7. Barney Broz says:

    I for one liked the sound effects in the earlier books. I enjoyed all of the little quirks that made Recluce a different place.

    1. J Lambert says:

      Yes I liked all that stuff too. Gave it a certain freshness and different-ness.

  8. Philip Verdieck says:

    Ha! I remember the sound effects in the Ecolitan and Forever Hero books. THRUMM! of a stunner, etc.

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