August 16th Question

When is your 4th book of the Grand Illusion series coming out?

After I finished writing Contrarian, I returned to writing in the Saga of Recluce. The story was a bit larger than I anticipated and encompasses four volumes. Since I just turned in the fourth book, it’s going to be a while before there are any more Grand Illusion books, and it’s too early to even guess at a date.

13 thoughts on “August 16th Question”

  1. Timothy Yablonsky says:

    Great to hear there might be a 4th Grand Illusion book! I greatly enjoyed Contrarian. Is there any chance you will be continuing with Steffan which I hope you do, or exploring a different time period in the Grand Illusion? Very much looking forward to From the Forest!

    1. I’m currently thinking about another Grand Illusion book, but I really don’t want to say more at this point.

  2. Carlton Peek says:

    Like said a long time ago “You write and I will read It, thanks again for the job you do!!

  3. Dave says:

    I like the Grand Illusion, but I’d MUCH rather have more books in the Imager universe, say 10 years on from Book 3 where Rhen is now the Maitre and his daughter is just about to embark on her training as an Imager.

    1. I appreciate your love of the Imager universe, but part of what I decide to write depends on several factors. First, it has to be something I love or want to do. Second, it has to be something my publisher will buy and publish. Right now, for better or worse, I don’t have an idea/concept that I love in the Imager universe.

  4. Mike Neal says:

    Will there be a fourth book in the grand illusion series? I thoroughly enjoyed the series. I have read almost all of your series, recluse, imager etc.

    1. I’m considering a fourth book, but I’ll just have to see if I can work it out.

  5. AC says:

    I don’t have a specific question per se.
    I love your books for the underlying message about seeing things as they are and not how we’d like them. I especially enjoyed this last series involving a blend of how a gov’t works and fantasy action. I hope there can be more of the Grand Illusion as well as the Imager series for the above reasons.

  6. Jean Pilon says:

    when will the 4th book grand illusion series be available to purchase

    1. That doesn’t get decided by Tor until after I finish a book, but it’s more than a year usually after I turn in a manuscript and Tor accepts it.

  7. Thank you for all of your books. I have all of them. I like them so much I reread them all the time. I like others are looking forward to a fourth Grand Illusion book. But until it’s released I will read whatever you publish

  8. Casey DeWitt says:

    Just wanted to say I very much hope you someday find another story you’d like to share with us in the Grand Illusion’s world. The series has been both my introduction to you as a writer and a catalyst for me to get back into reading new fiction. They’re smart books that scratch a particular itch for me and everyone I’ve ever recommended them to fell in love. Seriously, thank you.

    1. As I’ve posted elsewhere on the website, I’ve finished and turned in Legalist, the fourth book in the Grand Illusion series, and it’s scheduled to be released a little more than a year from now — August of 2025.

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