The Razor’s Edge

As mentioned elsewhere, I’ve agreed to write a story for a military science fiction and fantasy anthology entitled The Razor’s Edge, which is one of three anthologies to be published by the small press Zombies Need Brains and being funded by a kickstarter.

The Razor’s Edge explores the thin line between being a rebel and an insurgent in military SF&F, while Guilds & Glaives features slashing blades and dark magic. The third anthology – Second Round — allows readers to travel through time with Gilgamesh in a time-traveling bar.

If you’d like to help bring these themes to life, you can back the Kickstarter at and find out more about the small press at!

4 thoughts on “The Razor’s Edge”

  1. Tim says:

    On rebel vs insurgent, in the now non-newsworthy Syria conflict, the BBC used the word “activist” to infer a good rebel and “terrorist” for a bad one (such as IS).

    It all depends on where you stand. Fine line indeed.

    How should the Confederate states now be viewed I wonder. I read an article on the Gettysburg cemetary where their solders lay in neglected and unmaintained graves which says a lot.

    When Charles II was restored to the English and Scottish crowns, his supporters dug up Oliver Cromwell, symbolically beheaded him and put his skull on a pike. Those who signed the death warrant of Charles I (and VI) were hunted down if they were still alive and most were killed. Yet these same people had been earlier heralded as great men who rebelled against a bad regime.

  2. I was happy to discover that “The Razor’s Edge” will also have a story by Sharon Lee + Steve Miller 🙂

    1. JakeB says:

      Mary, your comment led me to go and pledge immediately, as I love the Liaden books!


  3. Derek says:

    You’ve sold me sir.

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